- Twelve malicious Python libraries found and removed from PyPI.
- Generating custom photo-realistic faces using AI.
- House hunting — the data scientist way.
- Python Secrets Module to Generate secure random numbers for managing secrets.
- Visualizing YouTube videos using Seaborn and WordCloud in Python.
- Algojammer - An experimental code editor for writing algorithms.
- From sensor to the Cloud in just 15 lines of Python.
- Python, Boto3, and AWS S3: Demystified.
- The Waiting Time Paradox, or, Why Is My Bus Always Late?
- PyCon APAC 2018 - YouTube Playlist.
- Pathlib: my new favorite module.
- Go 1.11 is now available on App Engine.
- Viewing Device Logs - Cloud IoT Core can optionally send device activity logs to Stackdriver Logging.
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